YOU ARE 4 TO-DAY! 4 smiling cat heads left, large blue 4 with yellow flowers


Greeting, A TUCK CARD,KGVI period, Birthday, Animals, Pop-Up (set: YOU ARE age number TO-DAY!, oblong flap)

single sheet folded to quarters, single oblong front flap extends left & divides large numeral, inner die-cut pop-up, blue backs Tuck logo above RAPHAEL TUCK & SONS LTD. -- FINE ART PUBLISHERS TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN AND TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARY -- LONDON AND NORTHAMPTON ; NEW YORK ; TORONTO -- MADE IN ENGLAND -- COPYRIGHT A TUCK CARD bottom right

YOU ARE 4 TO-DAY! 4 smiling cat heads left, large blue 4 with yellow flowers


inside: pop-up kittens on a couch-- WISHING YOU LOTS OF FUN ON YOUR FOURTH BIRTHDAY!

Pop Up

13 x 8.3 cm.

Anthropomorphic Birthday Cats Stylised Flowers