MY VALENTINE man bends to pick up handkerchief, woman glances over her shoulder holding yellow fan, two hearts on banner bottom left
Greeting, A TUCK CARD, KGVI period, Valentine, SERIES NO. (set: 7 1/2 V/1)
gilt, thin paper, asymmetric quarter fold, decorative panel front right Tuck logo above RAPHAEL TUCK & SONS LTD. -- FINE ART PUBLISHERS TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING AND QUEEN AND TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN MARY -- LONDON AND NORTHAMPTON ; NEW YORK ; TORONTO -- COPYRIGHT -- MADE IN ENGLAND A TUCK CARD bottom right come VALENTINE CARDS 3 DOZEN ASSORTED -- SERIES NO 7 1/2 V/1 6 DESIGNS on wrapper not on cards
MY VALENTINE man bends to pick up handkerchief, woman glances over her shoulder holding yellow fan, two hearts on banner bottom left
decorative blue & gilt panel with 5 red hearts right inside centre: I THINK WHEN FOLKS ARE NICE AS YOU ... HOPING YOU WILL BE, TOO!
11.1 x 13.4 cm.