yellow and brown gown with brown hat
Set Comment
a French boxed set titled AU BON MARCHE, PARIS, 2 POUPEES A HABILLER AVEC 6 COSTUMES & 6 CHAPEAUX, COMPTOIR DE PAPETERIE containing the two doll sets MY LADY BETTY 102 and DOLLY DELIGHT 106 (small size). The box has no Tuck markings but the dolls and hats do and they are in English.
Set Covers
yellow and brown gown with brown hat
Item Comment
long yellow gown with white buttons down the side to the hemline, brown collar and sleeves and large brown bow, full length gown, dress has attached neck to fit under head. hat is brown with a single white feather plume
3 x 4 3/4 in. dress, 2 1/4 x 2 in. hat