A GLAD NEW YEAR below horse & open carriage in front of house, dog left, A MERRY CHRISTMAS on door of house, snow scene

Valentine, heart shaped, gold background, forget me not floral border, artist Brundage, cupids

Greeting, Q.V. period, fringed, 4 panels glued back-to-back & folded, tassel to open, Christmas & and New Year, various, Oversize (QV Fringed)

Set Comment

RAPHAEL TUCK & SONS, COPYRIGHT in small print at base of some panels


A GLAD NEW YEAR below horse & open carriage in front of house, dog left, A MERRY CHRISTMAS on door of house, snow scene

In set

QV Fringed

Item Comment

second panel(inner left) A GLAD NEW YEAR man stands behind donkey cart in front of house, dog in front, snow scene third panel (inner right) A HAPPY NEW YEAR girl stands behind dog cart in front of house, dog in front, rural fourth panel (back) A JOLLY CHRISTMAS.horse & open carriage, summer scene white & gilt margins, white fringes & tassel


Fringed Greeting


13.3 x 10.3 cm (plus fringes) oversize


Christmas Dogs Donkeys Horses New Year Rural