HAPPINESS BE YOURS opt. in grey below inset basket of dog roses, pink ribbon left


Greeting, series & groups, Impressed, THE KING & QUEEN (G.V. period), Christmas & New Year

Tuck information & Royal attribution impressed, not printed, on card back logo beside RAPHAEL TUCK & SONS LTD , PUBLISHERS BY APPOINTMENT TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING & QUEEN -- PRODUCED IN ENGLAND

HAPPINESS BE YOURS opt. in grey below inset basket of dog roses, pink ribbon left


single folds, cover & inner sheet secured by ribbon inner sheet right: A HAPPY CHRISTMAS with verse GREETINGS WARM AND TRUE I SEND .... ON THIS HAPPY CHRISTMAS DAY same image comes as Tuck postcard 3428, FLOWERS IN BASKETS

Greeting Card


12.2 x 10 cm.

Artist Christmas Floral Wild Roses